(These two are to the RS Sabre Site.)

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Welcome to the domain
of the Sabre's. I am Ultra Elite Sabre Araokie, The Meteora. We have a little
diffrent protocol then most guilds in Britannia. We are a self dubbed Justice
clan, traveling throughout the Felluca Realm destroying random pker's such as
gray's or red's who feed off of people trying to make a peaceful living. Such as
miner's, they try to mine and a rpker walks up
and kills him/her for no real reason other then a good laugh or to steal all
that hard mined ore. We see this, we
walk up and lay a smack down, then we heal the victim of the attack. We also send out patrols to find these sorts of
people. I'll explain patrols later. So we bring justice to Felluca in short.
Bring honor to the Sabre's, and let's let the UO Project stay alive.
Araokie, A.K.A. Keiryan
The Meteora, Ultra Elite
(P.S. I
highly suggest you read the Sabre's history, a long account but none the less it
is part of our history, and knowledge is power...or something like that...)
(P.S.S. A term you
will see and hear many times with the Sabre's is Rpker - Random Player Killler)